Aurélie is French and American and lives in Dallas, TX. She holds a certificate in writing, with distinction, from the UCLA Writers’ Program and is a MFA candidate at the Bennington Writing Seminars in Bennington, VT. At the UCLA Writers’ Program, her writing was nominated twice for the James Kirkwood Award and once for the Allegra Johnson Award. Her novel THE PARIS UNDERSTUDY was selected by the Washington Post as one of ten noteworthy books for September 2024.
Press Kit
Aurélie is French and American and lives in Dallas, TX. She holds a certificate in writing, with distinction, from the UCLA Writers’ Program and is a MFA candidate at the Bennington Writing Seminars in Bennington, VT. At the UCLA Writers’ Program, her writing was nominated twice for the James Kirkwood Award and once for the Allegra Johnson Award. Her novel THE PARIS UNDERSTUDY was selected by the Washington Post as one of ten noteworthy books for September 2024.
Long Bio
Aurélie is French and American and lives in Dallas, TX. She holds a certificate in writing, with distinction, from the UCLA Writers’ Program and is a MFA candidate at the Bennington Writing Seminars in Bennington, VT. At the UCLA Writers’ Program, her writing was nominated twice for the James Kirkwood Award and once for the Allegra Johnson Award. Her novel The Paris Understudy was selected by the Washington Post as one of ten noteworthy books for September 2024.
When she is not reading or writing, Aurélie teaches engineering and data science at the university level and does research on decision-making under uncertainty. She holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT and a “diplome d’ingenieur” from Mines ParisTech in Paris, France. She has lived in Cambridge, MA when she was a doctoral student, Bethlehem, PA when she worked at Lehigh University and has now been living in Dallas, TX for the past eight years where she works at Southern Methodist University and enjoys the many opera, music, dance and theater performances at the SMU Meadows School of the Arts. Aurélie speaks French, English and German and has some knowledge of Spanish, Russian and Ukrainian.
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I finally finished another of my "brick poem" paintings. As you might remember, I take poems I like by Anna Akhmatova (in their English translation), and the space on the right - in blue here - represents the white spaces at the end of the poem's lines, and each rectangle is for a word of the poem. I used the same canvas size (24x30) and poem as for Akhmatova 2 (To the Muse), which saved me some prep time in drawing the rectangles, although not much.
I started Akhmatova 3 shortly after I moved to Dallas, painted the blue and the dark red/pinks, and then left it half finished for many months. When I went back to it I went a little fast so it doesn't look as polished as it could be, but at least I finished it, which is more than I can say of my novel in progress.